
A desktop app to monitor Discord servers and channels, scanning for information and messages based on user defined comparison parameters.

Discord Notification System

DisAlert – a desktop app to monitor Discord servers and channels, scanning for pieces of information and messages based on user defined comparison parameters. When discovered, those messages are sent via email or SMS/MMS to alert you immediately. No more manually hunting and scrolling through hundreds of Discord channels to find the information you need.

Need to Know When A Top Trader Makes A Buy Or Sell Call? 

DisAlert knows!

Need to Know When Your Favorite Admin Calls Out An Alert?

DisAlert will be watching!

Need to Know When You Get Mentioned In A Discord Channel?

Let DisAlert notify you!

Need to Know When Certain Stocks On Your Watch List Are Mentioned?

DisAlert it!

Set up an unlimited number of stock trading alert parameters based on Discord server, channel, user, and/or text strings. DisAlert monitors all messages in real-time and relays only the most critical information you need to be a successful and profitable trader.
Take your scanning alerts and profits to the next level.

Here are some sample alerts

DisAlert alerts
  1. Looks in the Discord server/channel (Day Trading and Forecasting/stock-forecasts) I’m subscribed to, and looks for messages mentioning Tesla. If a message is found containing the stock symbol “TSLA” it’s sent to my phone as an SMS message; indicated by the SMS formatted email provided by Sprint.
  2. Looks in “PENNY STOCK ALERTS/trade-alerts” for anything posted by the user “traderxs”. TraderXS is a pro trader! When they post a Discord message it’s immediately sent as an MMS text to my phone. Again, I use the formatting for a Sprint MMS email address.
  3. Looks for messages (from anyone) mentioning “AH” (after hours). I want to make sure I get those to my phone too!
  4. Looks for messages about Apple (symbol AAPL) and emails me those. Remember, casing is not important with DisAlert.
  5. Looks for any message “paul” sends. I like Paul and his trading style. Paul makes a lot of money. Paul drives a Lambo.
  6. Looks for any message about HOD’s (High of the Day). I may want to put those on my watch list, wait for the dip and go long.

Our Services



Free 5 day Trial

The trial will run for 5 days before expiring without a valid license key.
DisAlert Discord Notification System



Per Year

A single license is only $99 per year which is less than $2.00 a week. You can’t get coffee for that…